2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

ARA Explores Lessons Learned From Dicamba

Cindy Zimmerman

Two respected weed scientists presented their views on the lessons learned from this year’s introduction of new dicamba formulations for control of resistant weeds at a pre-conference workshop for the Agricultural Retailers Association (ARA) this week.

Dr. Ford Baldwin, Practical Weed Consultants, was extension weed scientist at the University of Arkansas for 28 years. Dr. Stanley Culpepper is a professor and Extension Agronomist in the Crop and Soil Science Department at the University of Georgia. Each had very different experiences with dicamba products in their states this year and shared their stories with ag retailers with the goal of applying the lessons learned to next year.

Arkansas led the nation in dicamba complaints in 2017 with over 1000, while Georgia had none. Listen to their presentations below.

Dicamba Lessons Learned, Ford Baldwin, Arkansas
Dicamba Lessons Learned, Stanley Culpepper, UGA
2017 ARA Conference and Expo Photo Album

AgWired Precision, ARA, Crop Protection, Herbicide, weed management