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New TV Ad Recognizes President’s Support for Rural Communities

Chuck Zimmerman

President Trump’s support for biofuels is getting some recognition.

The nation’s top renewable fuel advocates have launched a new television ad recognizing President Trump’s steadfast support for rural communities, farmers, and workers in the biofuel sector. The ad responds directly to oil industry attacks on the president for his long-standing commitment to growth under the federal Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS).

“Refining executives seem to think that attacking the president will undermine his support for rural jobs and homegrown fuels, but he’s consistently sided with voters across the heartland,” said Emily Skor, CEO of Growth Energy, a member of the Fuels America coalition. “There are over 200 biorefineries across the nation, each serving as a key manufacturing hub, supporting jobs and creating vital markets for countless farmers. This industry is creating low-cost energy right here in America, and those communities deeply appreciate the president’s commitment to U.S. leadership on biofuels.”

The new ad, which begins airing November 6th on Fox News, features footage of President Trump’s advocacy for homegrown fuels, noting that he “kept his promise, protecting farm and manufacturing jobs.” The ad urges viewers to thank the president for standing up to refiners who have attacked the White House for its support of clean, affordable fuel options for American drivers.

Biofuels, Energy, Ethanol, Video