2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Bayer Proves Strong Commitment to Cotton

Carrie Muehling

With lots of things going on in the cotton industry, Bayer is reinforcing its overall commitment to cotton. The company recently opened a new Cotton Breeding Station in Lubbock, and hosted its 2017 Showcase Plot Tour there. The new facility provides a place for the breeding group and trade development group to collaborate at the same site, allowing them to drive innovation more quickly.

“We’ve got the traits growers need, we’ve got the seed treatment packages and we’ve got all these harvest aids and a variety of things that we can just pull this whole thing together and really help the grower achieve their goals at the end of the year,” said Jason Wistehuff, Bayer Cotton Product Manager for North America.

Wistehuff said in field trials continue to provide the basis of the cotton breeding program, with areas like water use efficiency targets for future improvements.

Listen to Chuck’s interview with Jason Wistehuff here: Interview with Jason Wistehuff, Bayer

Bayer Lubbock Tour

AgWired Precision, Audio, Bayer, Cotton