2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Verdesian Life Sciences Introduces FlexConnect™

Cindy Zimmerman

Verdesian Life Sciences introduced FlexConnect™, the first closed transfer system for soybean inoculants, at the Farm Progress Show in Decatur, Illinois this week.

Combined with a mixing port, FlexConnect enables applicators to handle and mix inoculants of any volume straight from the packaging, without transferring to a separate tank. This saves applicators time and money by minimizing the waste normally associated with inoculant mixing.

If a picture is worth 1000 words, here are 69,000 words worth of photos from the FlexConnect launch:
Verdesian FlexConnect Launch photo album

And a video must be worth at least a few pages, so watch and learn more about FlexConnect from Verdesian Life Sciences.

AgWired Precision, Farm Progress Show, Seed, Verdesian, Video