RFA Ethanol Podcast

Benefits of Membership in @CIRBdc

Cindy Zimmerman

For over 50 years, the Crop Insurance and Reinsurance Bureau (CIRB) has provided advocacy and support services for the industry and membership has never been more important.

American Farm Bureau Insurance Services Vice President and General Manager Tim Green says CIRB is focused on maintaining the risk management tools that farmers and ranchers need. “We all have the same end goal, which is to be able to provide a quality insurance product for the growers,” said Green, who was just elected treasurer of the organization. “I think CIRB has a way for companies to come together to express the importance of that on the Hill and to our government partners.”

CIRB has been implementing a strategic plan over the past couple of years that consists of being the industry’s Capitol voice, winning together through collaboration, being a DC information source, and increasing membership influence.

Learn more in this interview: Interview with Tim Green, AFBIS

2017 CIRB Annual Meeting photo album

AFBF, Audio, CIRB, Insurance