RFA Ethanol Podcast

#ASTAannual Opening Reception Jam

Cindy Zimmerman

asta-16-bandThe American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) got the ASTA-OSA Jam Band together for the opening reception, sponsored by Syngenta, at the 133rd annual convention in Portland, Oregon.

The venue was historic Edgefield, built in 1911 as the county poor farm, now transformed into a neighborhood gathering spot with pubs, historic hotels, local artisans, and more. The band was put together by ASTA chair Risa DeMasi’s musician husband Michael and showcased the musical talents of several members of both ASTA and the Oregon Seed Association.

asta-16-receptionRisa, pictured here with Michael and ASTA meeting and events director Jennifer Crouse, is very pleased with the turnout for this year’s convention held in her home state. Risa, who is with Grassland Oregon in Salem, is loving being able to showcase the diversity of Oregon’s seed and agriculture industry to the diverse membership of ASTA.

In this interview, Risa talks about the meeting goals and about the importance of communications in the seed industry: Interview with ASTA chair Risa DeMasi, Grassland Oregon

2016 ASTA-OSA Annual Meeting photo album

ASTA, Audio, Seed