2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Climate FieldView Helps @GROWMARK Customers

Cindy Zimmerman

Growmark_logoClimate Corporation’s Climate FieldView products are among the most exciting innovations that GROWMARK’s Ron Milby has seen come along for agriculture in the past two decades.

“I’ve been involved with precision ag for over 20 years and just having satellite images so you can see what’s going on, that really is a tremendous value,” says Milby, GROWMARK’s executive director for agronomy marketing, who explains that the Climate FieldView suite of products offers three different tiers – Prime, Plus and Pro.

climate-fieldviewMilby says the Climate FieldView Prime is a free offering that provides weather, scouting and alerts. “Climate FieldView Plus allows an in-cab experience,” he said. The Plus product also offers the ability to connect to FieldView Drive, which allows farmers to collect and send data directly from the cab to the cloud.

FieldView Pro takes all that to the highest level, adding advising capabilities for nitrogen, field health, and script creation and Milby says GROWMARK has certified local dealers within the FS System to provide that service for customers and can work cooperatively with a grower’s crop specialist. “We are an integrated partner with them where we can make recommendations through the portal to allow a grower to get scripts that we created,” Milby says. Growers can also allow their crop specialists access to monitor their fields for alerts and help manage their resources.

Milby adds that the Climate FieldView suite of products fit in very well with GROWMARK’s System Sustainability Endure initiative. “We’re really looking for the best management practices that are enduring over time to help keep our farmers profitable,” he said.

Learn more about GROWMARK and Climate FieldView in this interview: Interview with Ron Milby, GROWMARK Agronomy

Audio, FS System, GROWMARK, Precision Agriculture