RFA Ethanol Podcast

Agri-Pulse Presents 2016 Doan Award

Jamie Johansen

agri-pulse-16-1Yesterday during the Agri-Pulse Farm to Fork Politics discussion and reception the annual Doan Award was presented to Ben Nuelle, Iowa Agribusiness Farm Network. The award is sponsored by Agri-Pulse and was presented by Senator Pat Roberts from Kansas and Greg Akagi current National Association of Farm Broadcasting (NAFB) president.

The Doan recognizes and encourages excellence in reporting agriculture. The purpose of the award is to recognize excellence in reporting skill, thoroughness and attention to audience interest. Entries describe the approach used to develop the reporting and coverage of an issue. The entries also include examples of the program illustrating the scope of work.

Ben’s winning entry titled “Buried To The Neck” provides a first-person perspective on surviving a horrific grain bin entrapment. All farmers know the danger of becoming entrapped in grain, and very few survive. Ben interviewed survivor Dennis Schneider of Corder, Missouri for the news story. Dennis Schneider’s mission moving forward is to educate on grain bin safety and help prevent this from happening to others.

“Steward Doan helped Agri-Pulse build our Washington policy coverage with a series of weekly and daily broadcasts on www.Agri-Pulse.com – a tradition that continues to this day. Agri-Pulse is honored to celebrate his tremendous legacy as well as the important role that all broadcasters play in educating the American public about farming, food, and rural issues,” said Agri-Pulse CEO and founder Sara Wyant. “The Doan Award is a great way to recognize excellence in broadcasting.”

Listen to the Doan Award presentation here: Doan Award Presentation

View and download photos from the Agri-Pulse panel here: Agri-Pulse Farm to Fork Photo Album

Ag Groups, Agri-Pulse, NAFB