Thanks New Holland for the Bird’s Eye View

Jamie Johansen

nfms panoFor the best view at National Farm Machinery Show, America’s largest indoor farm show, you must climb high. For this opportunity I turned to our friends at New Holland Agriculture. J. Cole Sanford, New Holland product specialist, climbed their CR6.80 combine with me to share the latest on the new model launched late last year.

“The smaller machine really goes after the mixed farmer market. If you are a producer with a livestock operation and still running some cash grain, this is the machine for you. It comes in at about 325 horsepower and boosts up to 378. This can serve as a replacement for the CR9040 that we had in the previous model years.”

I dubbed J. Cole the combine nerd. You can’t hide his enthusiasm for the equipment and as he chats with attendees they can glean information from him and shear joy for the machines capabilities.

2016 National Farm Machinery Show Photo Album

Coverage of the National Farm Machinery Show is sponsored by
Coverage of the National Farm Machinery Show is sponsored by FMC and Coverage of the National Farm Machinery Show is sponsored by New Holland
Agribusiness, Farm Machinery, New Holland, NFMS, Video