2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Soil Health Summit Starts Today

Chuck Zimmerman

Soil Health PartnershipMy current home is the Alexander in Indianapolis where the Soil Health Partnership is about to kick off the 2016 Soil Health Summit. Cindy attended the first one last year. It’s my turn this year.

I’ll be sharing interviews with staff, supporters and farmer who are participating in the organization’s work. Here’s what the SHP 5 year initiative says:

Over the next five years, we plan to identify, test and measure management practices that improve soil health and benefit farmers’ operations. Right now, many farmers across the country are implementing innovative management practices that result in economic and environmental benefits. We plan to build upon the work of these farmers to provide connections between on-farm practices and improving soil health.

We believe the results of this farmer-led project will provide a platform for sharing information from farmers to farmers, with the support and resources to benefit farmers’ bottom lines and agricultural sustainability. We want to help provide the spark for greater understanding and more broadly implementing agricultural practices that work best.

Photos from the event can be found here: 2016 Soil Health Summit Photo Album

The Soil Health Partnership is a National Corn Growers Association Initiative, with Initial Support From Monsanto and The Walton Family Foundation and With Technical Support From The Nature Conservancy

Ag Groups, Conservation, Environment, NCGA, Soil, Soil Health Partnership