RFA Ethanol Podcast

How @BASFAgProducts Helps Farmers #GrowSmart

Cindy Zimmerman

basf-tn-carenThe BASF Ag Products “Grow Smart” strategy is able to help farmers all over the country.

At a field day last week in Tennessee, BASF Technical Marketing Manager Caren Schmidt talked about the high yield Grow Smart small plot replicated trial programs. “We’re in the second year in a corn-soybean rotation program in 15 locations from North Dakota to Mississippi and Kansas to Indiana,” she said. “And what we’re looking at is incremental treatment approaches. So we’re adding additional inputs, whether that’s crop protection or agronomic inputs, and trying to see that step-wise progression that can be achieved.”

In addition to the small plot trials, Schmidt says they have on-farm Grow Smart trial programs being conducted on various crops in various areas. “This year we have 78 trials in place across the country, looking at corn and soybeans, but we’ve also added spring wheat, cotton, and potatoes,” said Schmidt.

Also at the event was national corn yield record holder Randy Dowdy of Georgia who talked about how farmers can implement the Grow Smart approach themselves. “Randy looks at his farming operation very critically and he’s really trying to affect management factors that influence yield components in his crops,” said Schmidt. “So, he’s looking at different agronomic techniques and different crop protection inputs and trying to put them all together to have a positive impact on his yields.”

And that’s what Grow Smart is all about. Learn more in this interview: Interview with Caren Schmidt, BASF

BASF Southern Media Event in Tennessee

Audio, BASF, Corn, Crop Protection, Farming