Iowa Soybeans That Look Great

Chuck Zimmerman

Iowa SoybeansOver the last month Cindy and I have spoken by phone with many soybean and corn growers around the country. But getting out in the field really helps give you the best perspective on what conditions are like. Our travels often don’t allow time to just drive around and see what fields look like. But when they do I like to stop and take pictures.

Just over a week ago in Missouri I drove by a bean field that had plants that were maybe ten inches tall. Contrast that picture with this one from a field near my hotel in Cedar Falls, Iowa.

More Iowa SoybeansThese plants are about waist high and look very good. I took a nice long walk on a paved path right along the edge of this field. What a contrast to other areas that were slammed with so much rain this season! Driving here from Cedar Rapids yesterday all the fields I saw looked to be in very good shape.

Next week we’ll get to see what central Illinois looks like at the Farm Progress Show.

Today and tomorrow I’m attending the John Deere media event and will have some great information to share.
