The sun was just going down over the bay in San Diego when we walked out of the convention center at the conclusion of the business meeting of the 96th annual American Farm Bureau convention Tuesday after voting delegates approved resolutions for the coming year.
AFBF president Bob Stallman held his traditional end of the meeting press conference with the last remaining reporters to talk about some of the most important issues, with the number one being the proposed Waters of the United States rule. “I view that WOTUS will be front and center, and it has been and it will be until we get it resolved,” said Stallman.
Data privacy remains another important issue for farmers and delegates reaffirmed that it should be strictly the property of the farmer or rancher when submitted to third parties for analysis and processing, and that they must have the right to remove their data permanently from the systems of agricultural technology providers.
Farm Bureau delegates also voted to oppose state efforts to dictate out-of-state, farm-level production practices, reaffirm support for producer-led and -approved checkoff programs; and support for country-of-origin labeling provisions consistent with World Trade Organization rules.