2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

AAW Elects National Officers

Jamie Johansen

aawAmerican Agri-Women (AAW) kicked off its year-long celebration of its 40th anniversary at its annual convention held recently in College Corner, Ohio. The organization also elected its national officers and recognized outstanding advocates for agriculture.

AAW is the nation’s largest coalition of farm, ranch and agribusiness women representing more than 50 state, commodity and agribusiness affiliates. The 39th annual convention’s theme was “Bridging the Path From Farm to Fork” and was hosted by Ohio Agri-Women.

National officers for 2015 are:
• President Sue McCrum, Mars Hill, Maine
• First Vice President of Resolutions & Vital Issues Doris Mold, St. Paul, Minn., and Cumberland, Wis.
• Vice President of Communications Lynn Woolf, Milton, Kan.
• Vice President of Education Donnell Scott, Manhattan, Kan.
• Secretary Arlene Kovash, Monmouth, Ore.
• Treasurer Peggy Clark, Dayton, Ohio
• Past-President Karen Yost, Billings, Montana

Five women were honored with LEAVEN awards, the organization’s highest honor for members:
• Rosemary Eckardt, Merrill, Wis.
• Ruth Hambleton, Woodlawn, Ill.
• Jane Marshall, Eaton, Ohio
• Kimberly Schmuhl, Coloma, Mich.
• Melody Speer, Uvalde, Texas

Lynn Woolf, Milton, Kan., received the 2014 President’s Award and Lisa Condon, Horicon, Wis., was recognized for her years of service.

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