2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Legislative Update from NAFB

Jamie Johansen

hurstMichelle Rook, WNAX Farm Director in Yankton, SD., led the discussion during the Legislative Roundtable at the 71st National Association of Farm Broadcasting’s annual convention. Blake Hurst, President of the Missouri Farm Bureau, and Steve Nelson, Nebraska Farm Bureau President, served as this year’s panelists.

The ag leaders reviewed the current direction of the United States agricultural issues and policy on the local, state and national level.

nelsonThe duo first addressed their assessment on the recent midterm elections and how it will impact our ability to take care of some important ag business in the near future. Other questions from the floors included concern about Water of the United States and EPA, farmings ability to continue to feed a growing world and how the Farm Bill programs have been implemented.

Listen to the complete Legislative Roundtable here: NAFB Legislative Roundtable

You can find photos from the event here:
2014 NAFB Convention Photos

Coverage of NAFB Convention is sponsored by
Coverage of NAFB Convention is sponsored by BASF
Ag Groups, Audio, NAFB