Red Cross Now Accepting “Gift of Grain”

John Davis

REdCross1While cash might not always be plentiful in some parts of farming country, grain certainly can be. That’s why the American Red Cross has partnered with grain growers in Iowa who might not be able to give money but can certainly donate a portion of their harvest and cooperatives, such as GROWMARK, through the Gift of Grain program.

The American Red Cross is very aware of the importance of grain in Iowa’s economy and that Iowa farmers can potentially donate grain (any type of grain is accepted) when they might not be capable of donating money. The ARC has established accounts with grain elevators, cooperatives, and ethanol plants across the state and is currently registered with nearly 600 facilities. These facilities have agreed to facilitate a gift allocation to the Red Cross. The Red Cross will immediately sell the grain on the day of the donation and will not be storing or trading grain.

American Red Cross officials point out that if donations are made prior to a disaster, $4 in disaster response and recovery costs could be saved for every $1.00 invested in disaster risk-reduction.

For more information on the Gift of Grain program, contact Bryce Sitter at the American Red Cross, Central Iowa Chapter – (515) 246-6307 or