RFA Ethanol Podcast

Ditch the Rule at Missouri State Fair

Cindy Zimmerman

Photo credit – Missouri Farm Bureau. Pictured left to right: Rep. Hartzler, Blake Hurst, Sen. Blunt, and Rep. Luetkemeyer.

Photo credit – Missouri Farm Bureau. Pictured left to right: Rep. Hartzler, Blake Hurst, Sen. Blunt, and Rep. Luetkemeyer.

Agriculture’s “Ditch the Rule” campaign against the Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule was highlighted at the Missouri State Fair this week.

Three members of Missouri’s congressional delegation held a press conference at the fair, organized by the the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA), Missouri Cattlemen’s Association and Missouri Farm Bureau. Senator Roy Blunt (R-MO), Rep. Vicky Hartzler and Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer, who each discussed their concerns with the rule and why it should be ditched.

“Even if the EPA was well motivated here, this is more than they can ever do,” said Blunt. “They can’t regulate every ditch where water runs down the side of the road.

Luetkemeyer says the crux of the rule is the word hydrological. “The way this rule reads, as soon as one drop of water falls from the sky, EPA’s on it, and that’s a scary thought,” he said.

“I call it the ‘mother, may I?” rule,” said Hartzler. “If this goes through, we’re going to have to go to Big Government and ask “Mother, may I?” to plant a crop, protect our crops, to build a terrace or build a pond.”

Also speaking at the fair were Missouri Farm Bureau president Blake Hurst, who introduced everyone, and NCBA Environmental Counsel Ashley McDonald who showcased new interactive maps that illustrate how the proposal will impact property owners throughout the country. Missouri State Fair WOTUS conference

Thanks to Brownfield Ag News for providing the audio from the fair.

Photo credit – Missouri Farm Bureau. Pictured left to right: Rep. Hartzler, Blake Hurst, Sen. Blunt, and Rep. Luetkemeyer.

Ag Groups, Audio, Livestock, NCBA