Old and New LPC Presidents

Chuck Zimmerman

Christy Lee and Don NortonChristy Lee, Cee Lee Photography, is now the past President of the Livestock Publications Council and Don Norton, Boelte-Hall, in the new Prez. After the LPC business meeting I visited with them to learn how the organization is doing and what the priorities are for the new year.

Christy says it has been a great year for LPC with a highlight being the start of an internship program. Membership continues to grow and there are four new members on the board.

Don talks about a new event that LPC is planning this fall called Visions 2014 on November 11 in Kansas City, the night before the NAFB convention starts. It will start with a newsmaker event and panel discussion on animal welfare. Then there will be a dinner and some social time.

You can listen to my interview with Christy and Don here: PlayInterview with LPC Presidents

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