2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Soy Biobased About Customer Focus

Cindy Zimmerman

usb-bio-motter-hardinThe United Soybean Board is focused on the customers who use soy products – whether feed or food, fuel or new products – and that is what the USB Biobased Products Stakeholders’ Dialogue in Washington DC this week is all about.

“Everything’s about the customer,” said USB director John Motter of Ohio, who is chairman of the checkoff group’s Customer Focus Action Team. “My fellow farmers, the elevator, the end user, the people that make those products happen in between – they’re all our customers … we’re drilling down in to what are their needs and how do we serve those needs.”

As a soybean farmer, Motter is so excited to grow a crop that is so versatile. “The sky seems to be the limit,” he said. He’s pictured here with USDA Deputy Secretary Krysta Harden checking out some of the companies at the soy biobased dialogue. Products on display included cosmetics, cleaning supplies and lubricants, artificial turf, textiles, and forest products.

Interview with USB Director John Motter

2014 USB Soy Biobased Dialogue Photo Album

Audio, Soybean, USB