2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

BASF and Functional Crop Care

Cindy Zimmerman

basf14-huffFunctional Crop Care is the newest division of the BASF agricultural business, broadening what it means for the company to protect crops and help farmers get the most out of every acre.

BASF Functional Crop Care Senior VP Dr. Jürgen Huff says the division addresses additional needs beyond conventional crop protection. “Functional Crop Care consists of three segments: soil management, seed solutions and crop care,” said Huff. “None of them will work in isolation. We always look at the whole set of tools that we provide for farmers in making their corn and soybean farming more successful.”

Dr. Huff talked about BASF’s new LIMUS technology coming to the market in 2015 to boost efficiency of urea-based fertilizers. “Urea breaks down in the soil and it’s decomposing into ammonia and carbon dioxide,” said Huff. “LIMUS will provide an extended protection of urea-based fertilizers during the critical growth stages of crops.”

The Functional Crop Care division was really started with the BASF acquisition of Becker Underwood in 2012, which brought with it important seed treatments such as polymers for flowability. Watch his demo below of how that can help farmers during the busy planting season.Interview with Dr. Jürgen Huff, BASF Dr. Huff media event presentation

2014 BASF Ag Media Summit Photo Album

Audio, BASF, Crop Protection, Seed, Video