RFA Ethanol Podcast

AFBF Voting Delegates Make Policy

Chuck Zimmerman

Florida Farm Bureau DelegationThe annual meeting of the voting delegates of the American Farm Bureau Federation is underway here in San Antonio, TX. This is grass roots at its finest.

Throughout the day the delegates will work through the AFBF policy book making changes and perhaps adding new policy positions. Each one is placed on very large screens so everyone can easily read the proposals and see the changes as they are made and voted on. Of course there is discussion but the process moves pretty quickly.

I spoke with Florida Farm Bureau President John Hoblick who sits on the AFBF board. In my interview he walks us through the process and talks about the policies of highest importance to Florida farmers and ranchers. I worked for Florida Farm Bureau once upon a time. It is where I got my start in agricultural communications! John is pictured with the FFBF delegation.

You can listen to my interview with John here: Interview with John Hoblick 2014 AFBF Convention Photos

AFBF, Ag Groups, Audio, Farm Policy