RFA Ethanol Podcast

Research, Promotion & Education at Pork Board

Jamie Johansen

nafb-13-nafb-13-36The National Pork Board is the entity that conducts research, provides education and promotes the product. They were at the recent NAFB Convention and I caught up with them during the always busy, yet fun and exciting Trade Talk.

Dale Norton, Vice President of the National Pork Board, farms with his brother in Michigan and has been a part of the pork industry on the national level for about 15 years. Dale’s major role for the organization is to manage the money that comes in through the checkoff program. In an interview with me, Dale touches on Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea (PED), the research being done and the Pork Checkoff.

“There’s no safety issue with PED. Pork is perfectly safe. That’s one thing the public needs to know. For producers impacted it’s a real test to their economic stability. Those that have pigs that are between birth and 28 days and are affected are almost 100% fatal. It takes a period of time in the herd to create immunity. Part of what has happened with Pork Board is we have really made an expedited effort to put research together to help minimize the impact that it is going to have.”

The Pork Board has a We Care initiative that is in place to help educate the public and show that the producers truly care about their animals, their communities and the environment. They are also busy sharing recipes and proper cooking techniques. Dale says one of their catchphrases is ‘cook it like a steak.’ Seven minutes on each side gives you a good medium, juicy chop.

Marketing to the millennial generation is also key for the board. They recently released a free e-book called Cooking For Comfort. They are also very present online via social media. Check them out on Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest.

Listen to my complete interview with Dale here: Interview with Dale Norton

Checkout photos from NAFB Convention: 2013 NAFB Convention Photo Album

Ag Groups, Audio, NAFB, Pork