2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Thanks to FMC for NAFB Trade Talk

Cindy Zimmerman

nafb13-fmc-paulIt’s really hard to describe the National Association of Farm Broadcasting‘s annual Trade Talk to someone who has never experienced it. Farm broadcasters often refer to it as “running the gauntlet” in the quest to visit with as many of the exhibitors as possible in the short six hours Trade Talk is open. Spokespersons for the various companies and organizations exhibiting can do dozens of interviews in that time span. It’s challenging, fun, informative, rewarding, and exhausting. There’s really nothing else like it.

One of the long-time sponsors of this one-of-a-kind event is FMC Agricultural Products and our very good friend Paul Redhage. They also sponsored our coverage of NAFB on our sister site, PrecisionPays.com, and we sincerely appreciate that as well.

Paul and I interviewed each other at Trade Talk but only mine was for real. He was just showing off his smart phone case that looks like a microphone. We talked about what’s new with FMC, including the popularity of the Anthem Singing Contest, which they took to the National FFA Convention last month. Paul says they brought in a sound booth to allow FFA members to “get a head start” on prepping for the 2014 contest. “We had over 400 students do that!” Paul said. “So the kids really responded enthusiastically.”

In our interview, Paul also talks about how FMC’s successful “Authority Minute” will expand its focus to become simply “The FMC Minute” in December. Interview with Paul Redhage, FMC Agricultural Products

2013 NAFB Convention Photo Album

Agribusiness, Audio, FMC, NAFB