2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

MFA, Inc. Annual Mtg. Livestream

Chuck Zimmerman

Face of MFAI’m calling him the face of MFA. He’s the man in the cold (one of many) who directed me to my parking spot for today’s MFA, Inc. annual meeting and 100 yr. Celebration. MFA, Inc. is the oldest farmer owned cooperative in the United States. I learned that today.

MFA Annual Mtg.I’m going to try to livestream today’s program which starts at about 10am central. Hopefully the internet will cooperate. It’s kind of a spur of the moment thing but why not. I’ve already got several interviews to share with you as soon as I can. MFA expects up to 2,000 people here today at the Missouri State Fairgrounds. It’s going to be a party! With a little business thrown in….

Post Update: Thanks to all of you who tuned in for today’s livestream. Wish we could do more of them!

You can find my photos from today’s event here: MFA, Inc. 100 Yrs. Annual Mtg. Photo Album
