RFA Ethanol Podcast

TATT Global Farmer Roundtable Wraps Up

Leah Guffey

DSC_1631The Truth About Trade and Technology (TATT) Global Farmer Roundtable has come to an end, but there’s still plenty for these farmers from 14 countries to learn, see and do while they are in Des Moines, Iowa at the 2013 World Food Prize. Sixteen farmers from 14 different countries have spent the last several days together learning about not only each other but also about the practices used on each others’ farms, how to grow their crops better, and how to work with their governments more effectively.

Jim Zimmerman (no relation to Chuck or Cindy) of Wisconsin, who is chairman of the National Corn Growers Association Trade Policy and Biotechnology Action Team, said he was nominated to be a part of the TATT’s Global Farmer Roundtable. Although he doesn’t know who to thank for the opportunity, he said he is honored to be here and is looking forward to acting on what he’s learning. Zimmerman said he is committed to helping make better policy for both U.S. farmers and farmers around the world.

Listen to my interview with Jim here  Interview with Jim Zimmerman

2013 TATT Global Farmer Roundtable photos


Audio, Farming, GMO, World Food Prize