2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

GROWMARK Supports Illinois Ag in the Classroom

Jamie Johansen

fps-13-166-editedGROWMARK took advantage of the warm sunny skies of the 2013 Farm Progress Show and announced their donation of $70,000 to Illinois Ag in the Classroom programs.

The funding will go to support IAA Foundation’s grassroot efforts to aid Agriculture Literacy Coalitions across the state of Illinois. These programs reach over 500,000 students in both rural and urban areas.

GROWMARK is a regional cooperative providing agriculture-related products and services, as well as grain marketing in more than 40 states and Ontario, Canada. GROWMARK owns the FS trademark, which is used by affiliated member cooperatives. More information is available at www.growmark.com

Here you can listen to the complete press conference announcing the donation. Growmark Press Conference

Chuck Spencer, GROWMARK corporate and government relations director, represented the company and presented the IAA Foundation with the check. I spoke with him following the event and he shared why those at GROWMARK and FS saw the need to invest in the education of the future of agriculture.

Listen to my interview with Chuck here: Interview with Chuck Spencer

Director of the IAA Foundation, Susan Moore, accepted the funds and expressed great enthusiasm and passion when describing how they can be put to the money to work by increasing the number of literacy programs and putting the agriculture curriculum in the hands of even more teachers across the state.

Listen to my interview with Susan here: Interview with Susan Moore

Check out photos from the event here:2013 Farm Progress Show Photo Album

Coverage of the 2013 Farm Progress show is sponsored by Bayer CropScience, Growmark and New Holland
Audio, Education, GROWMARK