2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Bayer’s New Revolution in Agriculture

Jamie Johansen

fps-13-184-editedToday marks the kick-off of the 2013 Farm Progress Show and Bayer Crop Science brought ag media together for a luncheon focused on their show theme, “One World to Grow On.” After hearing from key Bayer representatives, we went through roundtable interviews designed to drive conversation and education.

Dr. Mathias Kremer, Head of Strategy for Bayer, spoke to attendees on the future of the crop science industry and the new revolution of agriculture. I caught up with him after the event and asked him about the key strategies Bayer is focusing on to ensure innovative products for growers globally.

“A new revolution in agriculture means that we are strongly putting a lot of emphasis on innovation. Innovation in seeds, traits, crop protection and biologics because we believe you need the whole integrated solution in order to maintain productivity and make it more sustainable for the future.”

Listen to my interview with Dr. Kremer here: Interview with Dr. Mathias Kremer

Listen to Dr. Kremer’s complete remarks here: Remarks from Dr. Mathias Kremer

Check out photos from the event here:2013 Farm Progress Show Photo Album

Coverage of the 2013 Farm Progress show is sponsored by Bayer CropScience, Growmark and New Holland
Audio, Bayer, Farm Progress Show