2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Corn Growers in Washington

Cindy Zimmerman

Corn farmers from across the country are in Washington this week to discuss policy issues and visit with lawmakers during another crucial point in the quest for a five year farm bill.

“We’re getting very close to deadlines again, so there’s 21 days left to act” before the current bill expires, said National Corn Growers Association president Pam Johnson of Iowa. “We want to know when the conferees will be named and what are the next steps to get this over the finish line.” The farm-only farm bill passed by the House last week was sent to the Senate yesterday.

ncga-vilsackIn addition to farm policy, the corn growers will be talking today with members of Congress about the Renewable Fuel Standard, the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) and the role of biotech crops in trade talks with the European Union.

This morning, Pam presented Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack with NCGA’s annual President’s Award, which is given during the Corn Congress to a leader who has worked to advance issues important to corn growers and agriculture. “It was an easy choice for me to give the Secretary the award this year,” she said, noting that he has been a “tireless voice” to remind the 99% of the population who are not farmers of the importance of agriculture. “Secondly, he’s called those of us who do farm to step up to the plate and tell our story.”

Also this morning, NCGA delegates elected five farmers to serve on the organization’s Corn Board. Taking office on Oct. 1, the start of NCGA’s 2014 fiscal year, are new board members Kevin Ross of Iowa and Paul Taylor of Illinios. Current board members Rob Elliott of Illinois, Jon Holzfaster of Nebraska and Wesley Spurlock of Texas were re-elected. Chip Bowling from Maryland was ratified as first vice president starting on the same date.

Listen to my interview with Pam: Interview with NCGA President Pam Johnson

Ag Groups, Audio, Corn, NCGA