send news release today

Funny Headlines

Melissa Sandfort

toenailI’m sure you’ve seen the emails that circulate with pictures of funny billboards or restaurant signs with misspelled words or missing punctuation that make for a good laugh. And to the poor person standing on a ladder with the extension rod replacing “today’s special” and they happen to abbreviate because it’s -10 degrees and snowing, I don’t blame them!

Our small town of 120 people has a hometown newspaper. Delivering the “Bugle” was my very first job and I think I got paid $10 a week…but to a 10-year-old, that was better than dusting and vacuuming for the same pay!

A couple weeks ago as I was driving to town to drop off my kids at daycare, I saw the Main Street kiosk and laughed out loud. I didn’t have my camera with me and by the time I went back at the end of the day, the sign was down. Photo opp missed.

Stick with me here, the story will come together.

So every Tuesday when the Bugle comes in the mail, I faithfully read it cover to cover. Low and behold, this week I came across this article (read the headline). That’s what had been on the kiosk in town: Toenail Clinic. Not only does the headline make me chuckle, the fact that it happens once a month just gets me!

Maybe I should check out the next session and see what they really do at a toenail clinic. After all, isn’t that just what an “AgWalker” needs?

Until we walk again …
