Pesticide Guy Resource

Chuck Zimmerman

I’ve been meaning to bring Leonard Gianessi, the Pesticide Guy, to your attention for a while now. Leonard is the Director of the Crop Protection Research Institute. Here’s what he’s doing with the Pesticide Guy blog.

For the past thirty years, I have been collecting articles and reports on the benefits of using pesticides in crop production. I have integrated information from these articles and reports into summaries of pesticide benefits for fifty crops in the U.S. These summaries cover fungicides, insecticides and herbicides and are available at For the past five years, I have been collecting similar reports for crops worldwide and have integrated those into a series of case studies, also available on our website.

Every day I read new reports and articles that have some information on the benefits of using pesticides in crop production. I have decided that instead of filing them away for the next article or report that I will write, I want to bring them to the attention of as wide an audience as would have interest in learning about this subject. So every week I intend to post 2-3 summaries of articles highlighting the key findings regarding pesticide benefits. As this blog grows, we will index the individual entries by crop and country. After a year or so, there will be enough entries for anyone to have a comprehensive view of the subject.

So, got questions about pesticides? Follow Leonard. ‘Nuff said.

Ag Groups, Crop Protection