RFA Ethanol Podcast

Beefgiving Season in Australia

Chuck Zimmerman

This video is the work of Meat & Livestock Australia. I think it is probably more amusing if you know Australian politics since it is supposed to poke fun at two Australian politicians who rarely get along. Let me know if you know who they are in comments. But I guess there is a new season in Australia – Beefgiving Season.

Beefgiving Season is turning the coldest season of the year into the warmest. Find out how you can warm up your own relationships this Beefgiving Day, July 14th at www.beefgivingseason.com.au.

We’ve cooked up a way to warm up winter’s coldest day.

A way to turn the year’s chilliest day into the warmest, as we heat cold relationships with hot meals of Beef.

So invite them all over for a hearty Beef meal this July 14th.

Because when it comes to warming up Australia, nothing beats Beef on Beefgiving Day.

Ag Groups, Beef, International