2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Red Sky At Night

Melissa Sandfort

Have you ever heard of the saying, “Red sky at night, sailors delight. Red sky in morning, sailors take warning.”? Unfortunately, my husband took this picture in the morning, and I think it was cold and very windy that day. The saying held true.

And, I don’t remember Nebraska being this windy when I was growing up. Maybe it’s the weather this year, but we’ve had an exceptionally high number of windy days. Or maybe it’s just me. Ever notice the difference in how you interpreted things as a child versus how you see them as an adult? When you’re younger, everything is bigger, more grand, even more fabulous than you ever imagined. And somehow, as we get older, we seem to lose our child-like fascination and the extraordinary become plain.

I just read a series of articles in my Real Simple magazine (which by the way, is the best magazine out there, second only to all the ag mags I read, of course) about happiness. In the editor’s note, she says, “Think small, and just look around you.”

So maybe I should quit focusing on the impending gloomy weather because of the old saying about the red sky, and just look around and appreciate the beauty of the morning landscape that my husband captured on the camera.

Until we walk again …
