Andy Vance is embarking on a new career course with the Ohio FFA Foundation. The photo is of Andy listening to U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack answer his question during the NAFB convention. Andy has been a sometimes contributor to AgWired and we really look forward to keeping in touch. You can listen to his farewell message to ABN Radio listeners below.
I just recorded my final dispatch as the lead anchor at ABN Radio. Today is my last day with the network, and I wanted you to hear it from me personally before I shared the news over the airwaves Monday, or via social media shortly thereafter. One of the greatest joys of my professional existence is the expansive social networks developed over a decade in broadcasting and advertising. One of the greatest challenges, therefore, is the inability to contact so many trusted friends via the telephone. My hope, however, is that you’ll feel inclined to dial my number over the next few weeks so we can catch up on old times, and talk about the adventures ahead.
Oh, the questions you must be asking… Here is the short story, and below is the text of my farewell message to the ABN audience. Monday I embark on a special assignment with the Ohio FFA Foundation. I’m joining Executive Director Melissa Bell as the Foundation’s Director of Development, Planning, and Initiatives. Together we’ll add another $100,000 in revenue to the Foundation over the next 11 months. You know well my passion for the FFA, and this is my way of channeling Woody Hayes and Paying it Forward. Meanwhile I’m pushing forward toward completion of my B.S. in Agriculture at The Ohio State University, and am actively seeking admission to a Ph.D. program in communication for enrollment next fall.
I may never again be an Ohio farm broadcaster… But for the Grace of God go I, and to his will and wisdom do I submit.
And here, my friend, my fond farewell. Andy Vance Farewell Message