RFA Ethanol Podcast

Just Saying No To Food Taxes

Chuck Zimmerman

AAFT LogoAmericans Against Food Taxes is ramping up its campaign. See a list of the coalition members here.

Dear Concerned Citizen:

Thank you for joining the fight against beverage and food taxes. Because of you, many in Washington listened and agreed – a tax on beverages is not what concerned citizens like you want. In the coming week, as the health care debate heads to the Senate Floor, the idea of a tax on the sodas and juice drinks you enjoy is being revived yet again. Now more than ever, it’s important that your Senators hear from you. We need your help to send another message to Congress. Please go to our simple web form by clicking below and let your Senator know that a beverage tax is the last thing you need in this economy.

In the past few weeks, proponents of a new national tax on soda and juice drinks have become more driven and vocal than ever before. We thank you for your support and ask that you match their enthusiasm at this critical juncture.

Americans Against Food Taxes

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