RFA Ethanol Podcast

HSUS is in Nebraska

Amanda Nolz

8ab134a1-d252-41f9-9885-bd0d74cdaf87 The director of a western-Nebraska ranch for wild horses who was charged with animal cruelty this weekend has turned over more than 200 horses and burros to animal welfare groups. The Morrill County Sheriff’s office confirms that Jason Meduna (MED-nuh) of 3-Strikes Ranch in Alliance has agreed to give up the animals. To read the full report, link to 3 Strikes Ranch situation improving.

However, the real story of the day is the HSUS. They are present at the scene, along with veterinarians and local reporters. My question is, if the HSUS cares so much about these sick and tired horses, why aren’t they being cared for at the facilities? Why are they being put under more stress by shipping them? Why weren’t they given immediate feed and attention? While I absolutely do not stand behind a person that would neglect and mistreat these animals, I also think this situation could have been avoided. I have been asked to pass this story along by my friend Craig Henkel, and he reports that the HSUS have hired “real cowboys” to help round up these unwanted horses. Here is Henkel’s report of the situation. He asks everyone to pass the word along to industry contacts and friends. And, all veterinarian, veterinarian students and any available ranch hands have been asked to come help at the ranch.

I warned you, now Humane Society of the United States is in Bridgeport Nebraska

HSUS is not your local pet shelter. This is the group of anti-animal agriculture people who don’t want you or me here, working in agriculture producing food for the hungry around the world. While were at it, I don’t know of many, if any, commodities produced that are not affected by animal agriculture in some way, directly or indirectly.

HSUS is in Bridgeport “helping” with the unwanted BLM horses, that should’ve been humanely harvested a long time ago. Now we have a case of animal cruelty charges against a “horse rescue” ranch, that couldn’t keep up with all the unwanted horses coming it’s way. No matter who is to blame in this immediate case, it’s HSUS and PETA who are the ultimate cause of this problem. They wanted an end to humane slaughter of unwanted, old, useless horses. Now we know exactly what they have caused, ANIMAL CRUELTY. They want an end to: zoos, hunting, fishing, trapping, usage of any animal product, animal research (no matter if it could cure cancer or end hunger), pets, pet breeders, and any agriculture that in anyway affects directly or indirectly animal agriculture.

I don’t know what I’m gonna do yet, but I will not stand by while HSUS gets their way with the media, ESPECIALLY IN MY OWN BACKYARD. Do you suppose we could get some of you and your businesses to sponsor a hamburger fry for those volunteers in Bpt??? Let your friends and neighbors know about this serious issue. Don’t wait until tomorrow. Do it now. If you have friends in the media, local or otherwise, or if you have contact info with government reps (Adrian Smith, Ben Nelson, Mike Johanns, Gov Heineman etc), forward this email and/or construct your own AND THEN SEND IT TO THEM. You WILL make a difference.

Craig Henkel

Animal Health