send news release today

The Derry Brownfield Show

Chuck Zimmerman

Derry BrownfieldI had a very enjoyable lunch today with my good friend Derry Brownfield. I know a lot of you know of Derry. He’s that farm broadcaster who is rude, crude, obnoxious, politically incorrect . . . (self description). I worked with Derry for almost 10 years and we covered a lot of miles together.

Derry is still hosting his daily Derry Brownfield Show, “the talk show with a country flavor and a common sense point of view.” He’s in some very spacious office and studio space in California, MO and this was my first visit to his new location. After lunch we came back to his studio and had a nice chat which I recorded for you. It contains some of my favorite Derry Brownfieldisms, like, “ignorance gone to seed.”

His show is being podcasted and you can use this link to subscribe. He also publishes the Common Sense Chronicle.

The Common Sense Chronicle is a monthly newsletter published by The Common Sense Coalition™. Each issue includes thought-provoking articles, musings by Derry, thoughts from Beth, witticisms, advice, and more.

Listen to my interview with Derry here: derry-brownfield-interview.mp3

I hope you enjoy it.

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