RFA Ethanol Podcast

Blog Action Day and World Food Prize

Cindy Zimmerman

Blog Action DayToday has been “Blog Action Day” and the theme this year is poverty. Coincidentally, that is the basic theme here in Des Moines at the World Food Prize Norman Borlaug Symposium – since the key focus is on feeding the hungry. So, I actually decided to participate in the event this year – both on AgWired and Domestic Fuel, since I am covering this event.

World Food PrizeThis year’s winners are former U.S. Senators George McGovern and Bob Dole, who are responsible for legislation creating an international school-feeding program which has provided meals to feed more than 22 million children in 41 countries. They are pictured here during a dialogue held at the event with 2003 World Food Prize winner Catherine Bertini, former executive director of the World Food Program.

Tonight’s conversation included lots of good-natured joking between the two former senators who sat on opposite sides of the aisle while in office but had a common goal of getting children in this nation and other countries as well at least one good solid meal a day – not just for their physical well-being but also because it helps them learn better in school. And nothing beats a good education when it comes to helping alleviate poverty.

The biggest focus at this symposium is on increasing agricultural productivity, especially in countries such as Africa where poverty and hunger are more common than just about any other continent. The need there is for increased agricultural research and development, better irrigation techniques, improved seed varieties with resistance to drought and insect pressure, better market development, etc.

See photos of the World Food Prize event here.

Farming, International, World Food Prize