The Growing Business of Blogs

Chuck Zimmerman

eMarketerRemember back almost 4 years ago when you first heard about new media (blogs and podcasts) being used in agriculture? You know where, right? Well that “fad” has certainly become much more mainstream than many thought it would.

My favorite place to keep up with what’s going on in my new media world is eMarketer. They’ve got a new report out, “The Blogosphere: A Mass Movement From Grass Roots,” which has some interesting information. Here’s a couple of excerpts:

More importantly, by 2012, more than 145 million people—67% of the US Internet population—will be reading blogs at least once a month. That is up from a readership of 94 million in 2007, or 50% of Internet users.

“A big factor driving the increases is the niche orientation of the blogosphere,” says Mr. Verna.

Like podcasts, blogs tend to appeal to specific audiences. Accordingly, much of the demographic targeting that marketers work so hard to achieve in the mainstream media is already done for them.

“Furthermore,” adds Mr. Verna, “the rates at which blog readers notice and click on ads suggest that they are a well-primed audience.”

Where are you placing your advertising these days? Same old, Same old or . . . . . .
