2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Give a Tweet About Twitter

Chuck Zimmerman

TwitterI thought I had written about Twitter before but I am seriously behind in making sure you know about what I can only describe as a sort of micro-blogging application. I’ve had a Twitter account for almost exactly a year now but just started using it. At first I just didn’t see the point but that’s changed . You’re going to see an application of it in the new AgWired which should be showing up any day.

You can read a little bit about Twitter in an article on Fox Business.com.

Is Twitter the next big thing or a twempest in a tweepot? Twitter is a free “micro-blogging” service that allows users to send updates, or “tweets” — messages of up to 140 characters that answer the question “what are you doing now?” The updates are kept on the user’s profile page and distributed to friends via text messages, instant messaging, RSS feeds, and other applications.

I see applications for this that probably aren’t exactly what Twitter co-founder Evan Williams had in mind. So you might just see me tweeting during some meetings coming up for example. You’ll be able to follow me on Twitter here on AgWired shortly but you can also subscribe to my Twitter feed using this RSS Feed. Take a look at it and see what you think. When I say micro-blogging I mean it. I can just post here but for a quick 140 character max message that can include a hyperlink I can update even more easily and quickly from my Blackberry, computer and Google Talk IM application. You can IM me on GTalk at chuckz33. My Twitter name is czimmerman.
