RFA Ethanol Podcast

How Pioneer Is Building A Better Bt

Chuck Zimmerman

Kyle WhitakerPresentation number two here at Pioneer is a tag team with Kyle Whitaker, Marketing Manager, who just got finished (pictured here) and Murt McLeod, Agronomy Research Scientist.

These guys are talking about “Building a Better Bt” and specifically Herculex.

Murt McLeodMurt’s taking now and he’s focusing on Herculex RW Research and describing the experimental design testing they’ve conducted. I’m recording the presentation and will decide later if it’s something to post. I will also try to get interviews with both these guys if time permits and post them later.


After Kyle and Murt’s presentation I interviewed Kyle and he talks about the type of research that’s led to the new Bt products developed by Pioneer. He describes availability for the coming growing season and where growers can get more information.

You can listen to my interview with Kyle here: Listen To MP3 File Kyle Whitaker Interview (4:52 MP3 File)

Agribusiness, Audio, Pioneer