GROWMARK’s Post-Election Policy Priorities

Lizzy Schultz


Most of the discussion during the 2016 National Association of Farm Broadcasting (NAFB) Convention was focused on the outcome of the Presidential election and what it means for agriculture, highlighting this election’s importance to so many people in our nation. This election was also important for both agriculture industry groups and agribusinesses, and Chuck Spencer, Executive Director for Corporate and Government Relations at GROWMARK, sat down during NAFB Trade Talk to discuss GROWMARK’s reaction to the election and how the outcome is shaping the policy priorities for 2017.

“Rural and urban interests need to come together, that is what I believe is most important, the dialogue between our differences in opinion needs to increase,” he said. “We need to understand our consumer base for finished products and make sure we understand what our responsibilities are on both environmental stewardship platforms and consumer product platforms.”

Spencer explained that the outcome of this year’s Senate and House races did not yield any major changes to the Senate and House Agriculture Committees, but that the new administration will provide a distinct directional change from the standpoint of regulatory oversight. This change has the potential to significantly affect the next Farm Bill and many different areas of farming and production agriculture practices.

“There’s been discussion about whether or not the appointee for EPA administrator will have farm experience or a farming background, but I think what’s most important is that the individuals who take leadership roles in the development of the Farm Bill and the regulation of the administration have the ability to use science as the platform, that they engage all parties: agriculture, urban, and interest groups, and that we have outcomes that are able to be implemented at farm level,” said Spencer.

Spencer also discussed the major policy priorities for 2017, including the need for industry groups and businesses to remain engaged with the USDA in the upcoming implementation of the new GMO labeling law, as well as the need to continue advocating for trade and working with the administration to reach the objective of reducing tariffs and increasing export opportunities for U.S. agriculture.

Learn more in Cindy’s full interview with Chuck here:
Interview with Chuck Spencer, GROWMARK

View and download photos from the event here: 2016 NAFB Convention

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Agribusiness, Audio, GROWMARK, NAFB, politics