Finding Solutions From the Land

Chuck Zimmerman

Ernie SheaPrior to the start of the 2013 Conservation in Action Tour attendees learned more about Solutions From The Land from Project Coordinator Ernie Shea. This was part of the pre-tour seminar. Here’s what SFL is all about: “A national dialogue led by agriculture, forestry and conservation thought leaders to help landowners and managers make the most of the land’s potential.”

After Ernie’s presentation I visited with him to find out what’s going on with SFL. Ernie says he’s supporting a group of agricultural, forestry and conservation leaders that have a new vision for how land can be managed in a way that really revalues the multiple services and solutions that farmers, ranchers and foresters deliver.” He says that these solutions are often undervalued, “So what we’re trying to do is create a framework so that farmers and ranchers can be actually compensated for this wider range of services and solutions that they deliver from the land.” SFL is an outgrowth of the 25x’25 Alliance energy program.

Listen to my interview with Ernie to learn more about SFL here: Interview with Ernie Shea

2013 Conservation in Action Tour Photo Album

Ag Groups, Audio, Conservation, CTIC, Energy